The news of your arrival spreads far and wide, igniting hearts with a mix of excitement and longing. Every year, you come like a long-awaited guest, and every year, you leave behind an imprint on our souls. The way you stir emotions, awakening dormant faith and rekindling lost devotion, never fails to amaze me.
I’ve prepared for your arrival the best way I know how.
I've restarted my du'as,
Dusted off the pages of the Qur’an,
And strengthened my resolve for istighfar.
I've tried to soften my heart with dhikr,
To break old habits and embrace sincerity,
To silence distractions and listen more to my soul.
Yet, despite these efforts, my heart feels anything but clean. It remains coated in sins, weighed down by mistakes, and burdened by regrets. The dust of heedlessness lingers, and the stains of past wrongs refuse to fade. No matter how much I renew my intentions, my soul still longs for a cleansing only you can bring.
Come, Ramadan...
Wash away my soul’s filth.
Revive my dying heart.
Draw me closer to my Rabb.
Give hope to this withered heart.
I long for the nights when my tears will mix with whispered du'as, when my forehead will find comfort on the prayer mat, and when my heart will beat in rhythm with the words of the Qur’an. I long for the peace that comes with suhoor, the joy that fills iftar, and the quiet moments of reflection when the world fades, and only Allah remains in focus.
You bring with you a season of mercy, a time when hearts soften, sins are forgiven, and souls are reborn in worship. You remind me that no soul is beyond redemption, no heart too tainted for purification, and no sin too great for Allah’s mercy.
So, Ramadan, be kind to me. Let your days be filled with sincerity and your nights with whispered prayers. Let your moments be ones of remembrance, and your departure one that leaves me better than you found me.
For when you leave, I do not want to return to the me before you.
A Heart in Need of Ramadan.
Ramadan Mubarak, Ikram
I love this. Well done, Ikram.
A fellow heart in need of Ramadan. 🥹