I'm so sorry you had to deal with being ostracized. I totally get it, no matter what those who want to hate, will hate. I'm glad you're prioritizing yourself and embracing who you are. It's liberating to be ourselves than to conform to being someone else. And at the end of the day, Allah made us perfectly the way we're meant to be and He accepts us and loves for all our quirks.
“It’s not my fault that I’ve learned to shout. It’s not my fault that I’ve had to raise my voice just to be seen. It’s not my fault that my voice rises without me even thinking about it. But no one seems to understand that. No one seems to get it.”
I had to hold back a sob while i was reading the whole writeup but the above qoute, i felt it sooo much. I’ve felt like that my whole life, everything you said in that writeup. Thank you for putting my thoughts to words. I’m also sorry that you were made to feel all that💕💕
I'm so sorry you had to deal with being ostracized. I totally get it, no matter what those who want to hate, will hate. I'm glad you're prioritizing yourself and embracing who you are. It's liberating to be ourselves than to conform to being someone else. And at the end of the day, Allah made us perfectly the way we're meant to be and He accepts us and loves for all our quirks.
“It’s not my fault that I’ve learned to shout. It’s not my fault that I’ve had to raise my voice just to be seen. It’s not my fault that my voice rises without me even thinking about it. But no one seems to understand that. No one seems to get it.”
I had to hold back a sob while i was reading the whole writeup but the above qoute, i felt it sooo much. I’ve felt like that my whole life, everything you said in that writeup. Thank you for putting my thoughts to words. I’m also sorry that you were made to feel all that💕💕